Where does the time go? I haven't written much lately. It's not that I don't think about quilting every day but I just get caught up in other things. One detriment to my blog is that I am an avid reader. I devour books. I get into a book and hate to put it down. Luckily my hunny is a reader too. It is not unusual for us to spend the day, each ensconced on our own piece of furniture, woodstove keeping the house warm, reading and dozing the day away. Maybe not as good for us as taking a walk but certainly better for our imaginations then watching TV all day.
Secondly, I've not mentioned it much, as everyone thinks we are already nuts to have 4 dogs, we added a fifth dog, we got a German Shepherd puppy in October. That means confine or supervise all the time. My mother always said "God was smart when he made Mothers young". I now know this applies to getting a puppy as well as babies. She is a lot of work! This may not be the last dog in my life but it certainly will be the last puppy. I keep saying "in two years she will be aristocratic and willing to lay around with us." Keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime, it's watch, supervise, train, dog classes, etc, etc. As I was drying her off the other day; bigger dog, longer coat, longer tail; I told her "I should have gotten a Doberman".
The pictures above are my last two quilt tops for 2009. The stripped top is a donation for a charity and the second has no immediate purpose but I finished it last night...before midnight! Seeing the picture now I'm thinking "I could have done a better job pressing" but it's done. I've not kept track of the quilts/tops I've made this year but I just saw a "mosaic" on another blog showing all their projects. I'm going to play around on the computer and see if I can learn to do the same, then I will show all of 2009 projects.
I am able to report, and believe me this is a record, from Sept 2009 through December 2009, I am only up 2 yards of fabric in my stash. I know that idea was to decrease the number of yards...I'll get there! Still a goal for 2010.
I hope you all have high hopes for the New Year and this new decade.
Love and Hugs to All!